Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nothing is original....

"Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don't bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: "It's not where you take things from - it's where you take them to."

--Jim Jarmusch

Now go and get your grind on.......

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

EQPT North Opening Postponed

We have postponed the Grand Opening of EQPT North to May 01, 2009 due to us not getting our merchandise in time for the original date of 0420. We will still be having a viewing of our location along with a release of a limited tee that was made....oooohhhh weeeee

Thursday, April 9, 2009

EQPT North Opening 420

EQPT North is opening on April 20th, 2009. It will be located next to Supreme Cutz on University Way. There will be a T-Shirt launch at the grand opening. Stay tuned...

Money Over Bitches...

Married to the Mob spring is in the store now. So if you know any fly girls or dudes that like to dress like girls, tell em to come through and get right... Pics up soon.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

IMKing and Crooks In Stock Now!!!

We got our spring shipment of IMKing (I am king), and Crooks & Castles in now. If you haven't heard of IMKing, come peep game cuz they got some heat. You already know Crooks is running shit. Pics will be up soon..........

Also, got the 10Deep for mens and womens in